Me too! This blog is a telling of my experiences in China for three months with a Chinese hardware startup accelerator called HAXLR8R. During this accelerator, we are living and working in Shenzhen, a city whose population in 40 years has increased from 300k people to 10.3 million people, and which is one of the largest manufacturing centers in the world and conveniently located next to the biggest ports in the world.
This is the first post, so let me set the tone and expectations. I couldn’t find anything similar to what I’m trying to do; a single source of information for someone in engineering who wants to go over to China and build a product. It seems that most of the people doing that are doing it for a company and want to keep their trade secrets private. I want to make it more accessible. I want to talk about the logistics of going over there and getting it done. Of the personal aspects and the business aspects.
As of this first post, I have 3 weeks before I go over there. I’m scrambling to put everything together, and the first few weeks after I arrive will have a lot of posts as I learn new things.
Also, I acknowledge that this information will become dated after a few years. Take into consideration the date of these posts when you’re making your own plans, as things may have changed.
If you have experiences to share, other relevant sites to link to, or have found errors, please contact me or post. I’d like this posted information to be accurate and accessible.
1 comment
Daniel Dmytriw
June 8, 2012 at 2:59 am (UTC 0) Link to this comment
Hey Bob (Is that your name? i saw it on another comment..haha),
I stumbled upon your blog from and am just reading the blog from the start. As a computer engineer who has traveled a bit in China I am curious to learn about the engineering industry there. Especially how it works as a foreigner. Good luck with your product.. this sounds very exciting!
Also is there a way to follow your blog through facebook?